Train with Euroinnova in the field of marketing with the Master Degree in Project Management Structuralia and obtain a degree issued by Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM) in collaboration with Structuralia.

Duración - Créditos
Duración - Créditos
1500 horas - 60 ECTS
Plataforma Web
Plataforma Web
24 Horas
Centro Líder
Centro Líder
formación online
Equipo Docente
Equipo Docente

Opiniones de nuestros alumnos

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Nuestros alumnos opinan sobre: Master´s Degree in Project Management + 60 Créditos ECTS

Valoración del curso
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Valoración del claustro

William G.


Opinión sobre Master´s Degree in Project Management + 60 Créditos ECTS

From the very beginning, everything was great. They were very friendly and helped me at all times.

Mery G.


Opinión sobre Master´s Degree in Project Management + 60 Créditos ECTS

The tutors are the best, and the online training with the content is also excellent.

Thomas E.


Opinión sobre Master´s Degree in Project Management + 60 Créditos ECTS

I was pleasantly surprised by how well the master went; I didn t expect online training to be so comprehensive.

Anne W.


Opinión sobre Master´s Degree in Project Management + 60 Créditos ECTS

I loved it; the syllabus is very interesting and well-organized. The content is very engaging when studying.

Jack V.


Opinión sobre Master´s Degree in Project Management + 60 Créditos ECTS

I must say it has been a very comprehensive master. I was able to combine it with my work without any problem.
* Todas las opiniones sobre Master´s Degree in Project Management + 60 Créditos ECTS, aquí recopiladas, han sido rellenadas de forma voluntaria por nuestros alumnos, a través de un formulario que se adjunta a todos ellos, junto a los materiales, o al finalizar su curso en nuestro campus Online, en el que se les invita a dejarnos sus impresiones acerca de la formación cursada.

Plan de estudios de Master degree in project management Structuralia

MASTER DEGREE IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURALIA. Online Mode. Take advantage of the opportunity that Euroinnova offers you to develop the professional skills and competencies necessary to achieve your goals in the workplace, and all at the best price. Don"t wait any longer and request information without any commitment!

Resumen salidas profesionales
de Master degree in project management Structuralia
Historically, businesses have designed and developed their products and services to meet the perceived needs of the market, or to take advantage of identified business opportunities, while presently, said products and services are normally delivered through projects, which have become an essential activity of any company or organization today. As a matter of fact, the satisfactory completion of a project requires adequate human, technical, material, and economic resources, as well as planning and coordination that integrate said resources efficiently and effectively. One of the key aspects in project management is the presence of highly qualified leadership, in this case, of a Project Manager, who is the one to assume the ultimate responsibility for meeting project objectives in terms of deadlines, costs and expected benefits, which makes adequate preparation a critical asset to carry out this responsibility
de Master degree in project management Structuralia
- Learn project management objectives from a systematic approach (an overall view). - Acquire the necessary knowledge to perform project planning and control tasks. - Learn the main project organization structures. - Learn the different project types and their influence in both management and organization - Understand team and people management strategies, as well as those for negotiation and conflict resolution. - Apply effective risk management strategies. - Learn decision-making criteria and balanced scorecards. - Learn the essential aspects of knowledge management. - Gain a global understanding of supplier relationship management and supply chain. - Lay a solid foundation with regard to the economic and legal aspects of project management. - Understand the mechanisms involved in reporting and project progress presentations. - Learn the use of the project management software. - Learn the project closing and certification processes. - Learn how to conduct environmental analyses and apply them to any project. - Learn about project inspection and certifications. - Learn project crisis management techniques. - Learn the peculiarities of project management, either for civil engineering or consulting."
Salidas profesionales
de Master degree in project management Structuralia
- Project Manager - Service Manager - Head of Department - Lead Facilitator
Para qué te prepara
el Master degree in project management Structuralia
In fact, the increasing complexity of projects, and the pressure to meet deadlines and budgets, require both a solid conceptual background and a broad practical base. Projects require Project Managers who are trained in the most advanced management techniques, since in the absence of adequate training, the inefficiencies in management will be reflected in the results of the projects. Therefore, due to the aforementioned reasons, the subject covered in this course is of great interest and demand today. However, the training offers of sufficient quality in this field, and that are adequately oriented to the are scarce. These areas make up the reality of the different industrial sectors (construction and equipment) and consulting and services, and hence the importance of project management.
A quién va dirigido
el Master degree in project management Structuralia
This program has been designed to meet the professional training needs of those who wish to increase their knowledge in the field of project management in a format that will allow them to work and study simultaneously. In fact, this type of master’s degree is of especial interest for technical staff from businesses in all industrial and consulting sectors, and whose minimum admission requirements are a bachelor’s degree, or an associate degree with at least two years of relevant project management experience.
de Master degree in project management Structuralia
Metodología Curso Euroinnova
Carácter oficial
de la formación
La presente formación no está incluida dentro del ámbito de la formación oficial reglada (Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Profesional Oficial FP, Bachillerato, Grado Universitario, Master Oficial Universitario y Doctorado). Se trata por tanto de una formación complementaria y/o de especialización, dirigida a la adquisición de determinadas competencias, habilidades o aptitudes de índole profesional, pudiendo ser baremable como mérito en bolsas de trabajo y/o concursos oposición, siempre dentro del apartado de Formación Complementaria y/o Formación Continua siendo siempre imprescindible la revisión de los requisitos específicos de baremación de las bolsa de trabajo público en concreto a la que deseemos presentarnos.

Temario de Master degree in project management Structuralia

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Titulación de Master degree in project management Structuralia

Master Degree Project Management StructuraliaMaster Degree Project Management Structuralia
Master Of Professional Development in Project Management with 60 ECTS Credits awarded by the Catholic University of Murcia in collaboration with Structuralia Si lo desea puede solicitar la Titulación con la APOSTILLA DE LA HAYA (Certificación Oficial que da validez a la Titulación ante el Ministerio de Educación de más de 200 países de todo el mundo. También está disponible con Sello Notarial válido para los ministerios de educación de países no adheridos al Convenio de la Haya.

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Euroinnova Business School
Noemí Romero González
Grado en Derecho Máster en Consumo y Empresa Máster en Abogacía Curso en Asesoramiento Financiero (MIFID II) Curso en Metodologías Ágiles
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Euroinnova Business School
ángel Luis Martínez Sanchez
Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad de Granada. Delegado de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales Responsable de Calidad y Auditor interno en materia de Calidad Asesoramiento Fnanciero MIFID II
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Euroinnova Business School
Jennifer Contreras Linde
Licenciada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Máster en Gestión del Talento y Recursos Humanos
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Euroinnova Business School
José María García Labrac
Diplomado en Relaciones Laborales por la Universidad de Granada. Experto Universitario en Derecho de Extranjería y en Gestión de Salarios y Seguros Sociales. Técnico Superior en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (especialidad en Seguridad en el Trabajo).
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Euroinnova Business School
Iván Girela Estudillo
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa
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Euroinnova Business School
Carmen Cristina Rodríguez Bayo
Graduada en Finanzas y Contabilidad por la Universidad de Granada. Administración y Finanzas Gestión informática de nóminas, contabilidad y facturación Gestión Fiscal- IRPF
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Euroinnova Business School
Francisco Antonio Navarro Matarin
Licenciado en Historia Máster Superior en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales Sensibilización Medioambiental Curso Superior en Dirección y Gestión de Seguridad Integral Técnico Auxiliar en Diseño Gráfico Máster Superior en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales Curso de Técnico en Formación E-Learning Máster en Project Management
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Euroinnova Business School
Maria Moreno Hidalgo
Diplomada en Fisioterapia
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Euroinnova Business School
Pilar Plaza órpez
Titulado Universitario 2 ciclo o Licenciado - Licenciado en Derecho
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Euroinnova Business School
Javier Martín Ocete
Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas Formación de Formadores en E-Learning
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Euroinnova Business School
Fátima García López
Diplomada en Ciencias Empresariales y Licenciada en Dirección y Administración de Empresas por la Universidad de Granada.
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Euroinnova Business School
Maria Raquel Cabrera-nyst Martos
Graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Graduada en Derecho Máster de Acceso al Ejercicio de la Abogacía Máster en Formación del Profesorado
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Euroinnova Business School
María Encarnación Martínez Morillas
Licenciada en Ciencias Emrpesariales por la Universidad de Málaga Máster en Dirección de Empresas y en Dirección de Recursos Humanos
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Euroinnova Business School
Marina De Las Angustias Rivas Bastante
Licenciada en Derecho Master de Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas, Formación de Formadores en E-Learning Curso Asesoramiento Financiero (MIFID II)
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Euroinnova Business School
Cristina Jiménez Cerrillo
Diplomada en Ciencias Empresariales y Licenciada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas.
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Euroinnova Business School
Miguel ángel Vera
Ingeniero Informático, Safe Agilist, Project Management Professional; Agile Certified Practitioner; ITIL Expert; MBA
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Euroinnova Business School
Pedro Navarro
Trabajador Social por la Universidad de Jaén desde el año 2002 y Curso de Adaptación Pedagógica por la Universidad de Córdoba.
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7 razones para realizar el Master degree in project management Structuralia

Nuestra experiencia

Más de 20 años de experiencia en la formación online.

Más de 300.000 alumnos ya se han formado en nuestras aulas virtuales.

Alumnos de los 5 continentes.

25% de alumnado internacional.

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No estarás solo/a. Acompañamiento por parte del equipo de tutorización durante toda tu experiencia como estudiante.

Aprendizaje real

Aprendizaje para la vida real, contenidos prácticos, adaptados al mercado laboral y entornos de aprendizaje ágiles en campus virtual con tecnología punta


Seminarios en directo. Clases magistrales exclusivas para los estudiantes

Calidad AENOR

Se llevan a cabo auditorías externas anuales que garantizan la máxima calidad AENOR.

Nuestros procesos de enseñanza están certificados por AENOR por la ISO 9001 y 14001.

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Disponemos de Bolsa de Empleo propia con diferentes ofertas de trabajo, y facilitamos la realización de prácticas de empresa a nuestro alumnado.

Nuestro Equipo

En la actualidad, Euroinnova cuenta con un equipo humano formado por más de 300 profesionales. Nuestro personal se encuentra sólidamente enmarcado en una estructura que facilita la mayor calidad en la atención al alumnado.

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Como parte de su infraestructura y como muestra de su constante expansión, Euroinnova incluye dentro de su organización una editorial y una imprenta digital industrial.

Información complementaria

Master Degree in Project Management Structuralia

Do you want to boost your career as a true professional? Are you familiar with the importance of management? Do you know about the new methods of creation? Seize the opportunity that Euroinnova offers you with the Master Degree Online in Project Management Structuralia and propel your career with the leading training company. Thanks to Euroinnova's e-learning methodology, you can train in the easiest and most convenient way.

Do you want to boost your professional career? Are you looking for a study method that allows you greater flexibility? If your answer is yes, don't miss this opportunity! Euroinnova International Online Education now offers you the possibility to take the Master Degree in Project Management Structuralia, which will provide you with the necessary knowledge to enhance your customer relations.

This is the boost you needed to increase your professional competencies, and Euroinnova International Online Education provides you with the tools to achieve it!

Master Degree in Project Management Structuralia

Don't miss this opportunity, and if you're not convinced, keep reading!

Learn more about Project Management with this master

If you choose to take this Master Degree in Project Management Structuralia with Euroinnova, you will have all the necessary information at your fingertips about the different techniques currently used in this field. Project Management requires presenting a series of capabilities that allow you to work in the best possible way to achieve the previously set goals. One of the most important aspects is to have well-established goals, making it much easier to manage the needs and apply the appropriate strategies.

Efforts are always made to achieve a balance between different factors, such as time, resources, quality, and risks that the project may entail. Projects ultimately become one of the best ways to introduce the company's strategy.

Projects generally have objectives characterized as follows:

  • They are established prior to the start of the project.
  • They are refined as the planning is established.
  • The project manager is responsible for ensuring that the established objectives are clear, and all the people working on the project fully understand them. To ensure that our objectives meet the following requirements: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound, we can use a filter called SMART.

By working efficiently in this aspect, we can achieve a variety of benefits for the company, which is why it is so important:

It will result in significant savings in both time and cost, as processes and templates can be reused multiple times. Problems can be solved much more quickly by carrying out proactive management in case something happens. Having good communication can help avoid problems related to its lack. Products will have much higher quality as they go through a process to ensure everything is in order. The company's environment will be much better, as projects will have much more favorable results, making employees more motivated and positive about their work. Having the project very well -defined will result in a more favorable financial situation since everything will be more controlled.

Don't miss this great opportunity to develop the skills necessary to become a true professional in your field. Don't hesitate any longer and boost your career with Euroinnova!

Master degree in project management structuralia online

If you want to continue delving deeper into this topic, we recommend that you continue reading our blog, where we will talk about what it takes to be a project manager.

Why take this Master Degree in Project Management Structuralia Online with Euroinnova International Online Education?

Don't miss the opportunity that Euroinnova International Online Education is offering you to expand your knowledge in the field of project management. With the Master Degree in Project Management Structuralia, you can balance your studies with your personal life. Additionally, you will receive a degree issued by Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), in collaboration with Structuralia.

Take advantage of the opportunity that Euroinnova offers you to develop the professional skills and competencies necessary to achieve your goals in the workplace, and all at the best price. Don't wait any longer and request information without any commitment!

If you still have doubts, contact us through our form. Take advantage of the benefits of online education at Euroinnova.

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We look forward to welcoming you to Euroinnova International Online Education with the Master Degree Online in Project Management Structuralia!

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